Workshops and Group Activities

Themes of workshops and group activities are determined regarding the common needs of the students. The interactions with other students in a group setting provide an opportunity to overcome difficulties experienced in similar fields. Workshops and group activities ensure a safe environment which is different than other social environments. In this safe environment, people express themselves, respect others, the differences in others, benefit from other people’s opinions and experiences, develop new point of views and explore the opportunities.


Seminars are organized by our team and aim to contribute psychological wellbeing of the participants on common issues. The themes for the seminars are determined on the basis of the needs and expectations of the students. These seminars aim to raise awareness by giving people a chance to communicate with professionals. Seminars are given by our team or professionals that are invited.


Brochures are texts that provide practical information and skills about the issues which students frequently experience or on topics they want to learn more information.

To get the brochures click here.


KURESNews are texts that are prepared regularly to give useful information and skills for daily lives. The writings focus on different psychological subjects every month and aim to support people with practical information.

To get the KURESNews click here.


Videos aim to inform people about the common issues they go through and their solutions. They aim to raise people’s awareness and support their necessary skills on different subjects. Videos are filmed by experts in our team or with the professionals invited.

Click here for the videos.