Listens objectively.

Tries to understand the level of exposure.

Refers to the right units and informs about the process.

Respects privacy.

Keeps what he/she learns confidential, does not share it with anyone unless the student gives consent

  • In cases like this, it is important to protect the individual’s safety and guard the evidences. In the absence of quick intervention, the applicant’s safety and rights might be in danger. Moreover, the person may be at risk of a possible future attack/harassment and the evidences may be lost.
  • When someone applies to our unit to get psychological counseling and information, it doesn’t mean that the individual made a complaint. The person is informed about what she/he can do against sexual harassment or assault. Unless the individual allows it, the case will not be shared with the third parties and, it will be kept confidential.
  • In case of an application to KURES, there is no obligation to take legal action. After listening the situation, our unit informs the person about their options and refer her/him to the right units. Applicant decides whether to take legal action or not. However, with cases which threatened physical integrity with heavy physical contact (e.g. heavy physical assault, criminal act with gun or more than one person, rape, etc.) university authorities are responsible to report the case to the legal authorities. .